Arch Telecom humbly began in the small town of Yonkers, New York, in 1993. Inspired by the growing technological advances at the time, their dedicated team of executives opened a single storefront – thus beginning their journey into the world of wireless.
Founded on the principles of ownership, collaboration, teamwork, and growth, it is no surprise that Arch Telecom flourished in the industry. As the years went on, the company expanded, adding more stores in more locations throughout the USA. Now, almost 30 years later, Arch Telecom has developed an innovative and inspiring company culture that is coming to life in 225 stores across 31 states.
Even as Arch Telecom continues to experience tremendous growth, their focus remains on wireless. It is important for customers, employees, and clients to know that Arch understands the importance of staying connected with those who matter the most – your families, children, doctors, retailers, and countless others. As they continue to make necessary advancements and adjustments to their business, Arch Telecom is proud to offer wireless solutions that keep you connected with the ones you love.
In addition to their dedication to the industry, Arch Telecom is uniquely committed to their employees. Not only do they offer cutting-edge benefits and perks to their staff, but Arch Telecom is one of the only employee-owned companies in wireless. With programs designed to allow pathways to success for their employees, Arch Telecom was awarded the Great Place to Work USA certification in 2022 and 2023.
The future is undeniably bright at Arch Telecom! Having set the ambitious goal of owning 500 stores by 2025, Arch continues to expand their nationwide reach. Built on the understanding and belief that teamwork, diversity, and passion drive success forward, Arch Telecom is dedicated to continuing to offer amazing jobs, fantastic products, and relentless innovation to their teams – all while working to become the leading wireless solutions provider nationwide.